Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Hall County Foster Kids – Care Packs
This outreach collects supplies to make Children’s Care Packs which are delivered to our local Hall Co. DFACS. To minister comfort and care for children entering into the Foster Care System.
Riverbend and Mount Vernon Elementary Schools
This outreach is designed to help teachers and administrators by collecting underwear for Elementary age children who are in need or who have mishaps during school hours.
North Hall Middle & High School – Dignity Kits
In this outreach, hygiene products are collected to make Dignity Kits for our local middle and high school girls who regularly miss school because they cannot afford these items.
Rural Compassion
Rural Compassion is a national/local initiative dedicated to encouraging, strengthening, and empowering small and rural churches to work outside their four walls to address the needs of their surrounding communities. This outreach provides inspiration and action by meeting the concerns of poverty and restoring self-respect in the hearts and minds of rural communities.